SEMI Forecasts Global IC Equipment Sales to Reach Record $124B in 2025

Global sales of total semiconductor manufacturing equipment by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) are forecast to reach $100 billion in 2023, a contraction of 6.1% from the industry record of $107.4 billion posted in 2022, SEMI announced at its Year-End Total Semiconductor Equipment Forecast – OEM Perspective at SEMICON Japan 2023. Semiconductor manufacturing equipment growth is expected to resume in 2024, with sales forecast to reach a new high of $124 billion in 2025, supported by both the front-end and back-end segments.
“We anticipate a temporary contraction in 2023 due to the cyclical nature of the semiconductor market,” said Ajit Manocha, SEMI President and CEO. “2024 will be a transition year. We then expect a strong rebound in 2025, driven by capacity expansion, new fab projects, and high demand for advanced technologies and solutions across the front-end and back-end segments.”
Semiconductor equipment sales by segment
After registering a record $94 billion in sales last year, the wafer fab equipment segment, which includes wafer processing, fab facilities and mask/reticle equipment, is projected to slip 3.7% to $90.6 billion in 2023. This contraction marks a significant improvement from the 18.8% decline forecast by SEMI in its Mid-Year Total Semiconductor Equipment Forecast – OEM Perspective.
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Published : 27-Dec-2023

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